professional practice
Professional practice is one of the mandatory components of the educational program for obtaining vocational education and training of competitive specialists.
Practice enables the student to adapt in a professional environment and contributes to the formation of his ideas about a competent specialist.
Being a central link in the system of training specialists in the service sector, practice helps students to better understand the correctness of their professional choice, to consolidate theoretical knowledge, obtained in the process of studying in college, to determine the professionally important qualities of the future specialty.
Professional practice includes introductory, educational, technological, production and undergraduate practice.
Purpose of practice: Formation of professional competencies of a future specialist.
Tasks of professional practice:
- acquisition of deeper knowledge about traditional, modern and innovative methods, forms and technologies in the field of the chosen profession.
- the implementation of the acquired knowledge in the process of theoretical mastery of the material into a practice-oriented activity;
- formation of an individual professional trajectory for the development of students, necessary for future independent practical activities;
- the formation of creative and professional competencies, which in the future will allow a specialist to effectively carry out his duties and compete in the labor market. .
The bases of familiarization and educational practice are educational workshops, laboratories and other educational and auxiliary departments of the college. Technological, industrial, including undergraduate practice of students, is carried out, as a rule, at enterprises, institutions and organizations that are practice bases in accordance with existing agreements on the provision of practice base. The types, terms and content of professional practice are determined by working curricula and working curricula, agreed with the leaders of the basic enterprises of our city.
The student during the internship must:
- Complete the practice program, keep a practice diary in the form established by the college;
-obey the rules of internal regulations, acting on the basis of the relevant practice;
- study and strictly observe the rules of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;
- submit to the head of the college practice in the prescribed form a written report, a diary, a description signed by the head of the base of practice.
An important element in the educational process for the passage of practice plays a role in the individual route of students final conference.
The final conferences are a reflexive stage, during which a brief description of the goals and objectives of the practice is given (whether the goal was achieved, what is the result, what helped and what hindered the work, what worked and what failed to be implemented during the practice, what methods and technologies turned out to be effective in work when performing professional techniques; what were the difficulties and what are the reserves for overcoming these difficulties). In addition, students prepare a reporting creative presentation with multimedia presentations, where they demonstrate the brightest events of the practice.
Thus, the practical training of future specialists is an important aspect of the educational process and can be considered as one of the independent educational technologies that ensure the high quality of training of competent specialists.
October 7, 2020 master of industrial training Zhusupova Olga Vladimirovna using modern digital technologies, she prepared an industrial training lesson on the topic: “Preparation of raw materials and kneading shortcrust pastry”, which will be used to conduct practical classes remotely.
In March 2021, Ibragimova Aiym Serikbosynovna conducted a regional lesson of industrial training on the module "Decorative cosmetics and make-up" remotely among students studying in the specialty "Make-up artist", where students mastered professional competencies: Performing makeup and hairstyles on models, depending on their nature and purpose .

On May 6, 2021, senior master Grigorieva Elena Vladimirovna, using remote modern technologies, conducted a lesson in industrial training on the ZOOM platform at the regional level, among 3rd year students studying in the specialty: "Catering" on the topic: "Techniques for folding napkins", where the goals and tasks of the practical lesson. Students learned how to fold various forms of napkins and use them when setting the table. The lesson received positive feedback from students, colleagues and college administration.