Goals and objectives of the educational work of the college:
The purpose of education is the formation of a versatile, harmoniously developed personality. education and training of highly qualified and diversified specialists and workers, highly moral, having a civil position.
The purpose of education is carried out in the process of solving the following tasks:
formation of professional qualities of a person;
the formation of a civic-patriotic position, social responsibility, manifested in caring for the well-being of one's country, college, people around;
moral education, the result of which is the assimilation of the norms of universal morality, the culture of communication;
familiarization of students studying to the system of cultural values, reflecting the richness of universal culture, the culture of their Fatherland;
fostering a positive attitude towards work, developing the need for creative work;
observance of the norms of collective life, based on respect for the law, for the rights of the surrounding people;
- formation of a healthy lifestyle, the ability to physical self-improvement and development
Priority areas educational work
one) education of Kazakhstani patriotism and citizenship, legal education;
2) spiritual and moral education;
3) national education;
4) family education;
5) labor, economic and environmental education;
6) multicultural and artistic and aesthetic education;
7) intellectual education, education of information culture;
eight) physical education, healthy lifestyle.
The goals of education and the tasks of educational work are realized in the educational process, in extracurricular and leisure time.
As indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of educational work, criteria are presented that are manifested through the relationship of the individual to the world around him, to certain values and social phenomena.