The institution "Technological College of the city of Semey" is educational institution providing training specialists for public service enterprises: hairdressers, beauty salons, city catering establishments, shoe shops, computer shops, etc. Some alumni colleges continue their education in higher educational institutions of the city and the republic.
AT 1966 open as a technical school of life, which was then renamed the secondary vocational school No. 3. (SPTU No. 3) In its development, it went through the following stages:
1966 -1984 years - Technical School No. 3
1986-1995 - Semipalatinsk vocational school No. 3
1995-1996 - Adlet Technical School
1996-1997 - Technical Gymnasium “Adlet”
1997-2004 - Vocational-technical school-lyceum “Adlet
2004-2012 - Professional Lyceum №1
2012 - present Time – Institution "Technological College of the city of Semey"
The institution "Technological College of the City of Semey" carries out general educational activities on the basis of:
Certificate of state re-registration of a legal entity No. 2871-1917-27-U-e Semey on December 06, 2010. Date of primary state registration 04.04.2002.
State license series AB No. 0156093 of the Department of Education of the East Kazakhstan region dated May 23, 2011 (without time limit).
Charter of an institution registered with the Department of Justice of East Kazakhstan region 06/12/2010 No. 2871-1917-27-M-e
Training competitive specialists in service industry with high
readiness level to professional activities focused on
requirements modern labor market.
Development and formation of the image of the college, which would distinguish us from other colleges, professional whose activities was close to world standards.
Strategic goal of activity college
Creating conditions for quality improvement technical and vocational education as part of the implementation of state programs in compliance with requirements development of the sphere services of the region the needs of society and each citizen.
The main tasks of the college:
preparation highly qualified specialists for the service sector, competitive in the labor market, in demand in any country in the world;
Implementation and development of modular-competency-based dual training in educational educational college process;
Introduction of modern teaching technologies, professional development of teachers;
Improve the mechanism for the development of social partnership between the college and the base enterprise.

College Principal
Baibolova Zhumabike Kazhinovna
Total work experience -53 years
Pedagogical experience -53 years

Abdyldinova Aiman Zhumashevna
Deputy Director for Educational Work

Smakova Roza Kabykenovna
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Valieva Rimma Khalitovna
Deputy director for educational and production work